Changing Rivers or Tales of the Riverbanks ….

This week one of the editors of THE WANDSWORTH VOICE will be publishing from the banks of the Danube in Belgrade as opposed to from the banks of the Thames in Battersea.

Over the next three days observations and comparisons will be made between the ways that two bustling capital cities make use of and allow access to the wider community amenity that are their river banks. 

Belgrade proudly boasts of the confluence of the Danube and the Sava – Wandsworth and the Thames compete a little less grandly with the supermarket-trolley and car tyre-laden inflow of the Wandle and the sensitively culverted Falcon brook.

Both however are embracing change – is Belgrade as indifferent to its fluvial and riparian past as London sometimes appears to be ….?

Our words will flow with the rivers as our investigations continue ….

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